May 07, 2006

Your Tax Dollars - Hard at Work

     The Twins are playing today. Ok, let's go! Let's take the train. OK! Waiting in the terminal for the train to show up, I notice a little snow globe mounted on the wall with a crank. I think, what is this? I turn the crank, the globe lights up and Christmas music starts to play. What the hell? It's April! I try to figure out the point of this little gadget, but there is none. It's about 4 1/2 feet off the ground, so no child could ever play with it or even see it probably. As I board the train, I think about the fact that my money was spent on a snobe globe in a train terminal.
     As the train travels from stop to stop, I look for another globe. I don't see anything through the windows. But then, at one stop, I do see something. It looks like a couple of gears attached to another crank and there is a miniature windshield wiper attached to an appendage that sticks out of the entire mechanism. I don't want to get off the train to see what this thing is, but I'm sure it's some useless piece of... art? Maybe it's a novelty machine that is supposed to keep people entertained while they have to wait a whole 6 minutes for the next trin to arrive.
     Then the other day my sister tells me the tale of how she had to wait at the train terminal outside of the government center. Here, she claims, they have a pinball looking contraption. You pull the plunger back and let go. A ball goes zipping up a track and it activates a switch, which in turn starts a monitor with some guy talking about the fireflies in Minneapolis and how if you follow them, they lead to a raccoon village or some crazy shit.

     Pointless garbage. I just thought you should know that you paid for all this stuff. Aaah, isn't government spending grand?

~ Drewbacca

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