April 20, 2006

Haskell's Wine Sale

     The one sale I never miss every year is Haskell's wine nickel sale. It actually happens twice a year and it is a GREAT deal! It used to be that if you buy one bottle of wine, you get a second bottle of the same brand for only a nickel. They've changed the rules recently however. They now just average the price of what two bottles would cost so you can buy just one for the discounted price.

     For example: it used to be, you had to buy a bottle of Scandalia Syrah for $25, then to get the deal, you had to buy a second one for five cents. Now though, they just reduce the price of the original bottle to $12.55. I like this a lot better. Now I can try lots of different types of good wine for cheap, so I know what to buy the rest of the year.

     I'm not a huge wine conniseur (sp?) and I usually just stick to the cheap stuff. Not really cheap, but....inexpensive. But here is my yearly chance to experience some of the good stuff. My current favorite is an Australian wine called Penfold's. They have several flavors and a few differnent styles of each flavor. My current fav is their Shiraz/Cabernet, Bin 389. I really enjoy it.

     So I just got home with a boatload of Penfolds and other new choices. I'm really excited to try Greg Norman's Cab/Merlot. The guy at the shop says it is absolutely the best Cab/Merlot you can get for under $30. It even beats some of the upper class bottles. The sale lasts throughout this week, so if I like it, I may go back for more.

     While there, I ended up spending waaaaay too much money and re-stocking my bar as well. I am now prepared to greet guests at my place this summer. I'm not a huge drinker, but I love to make drinks for people. And yes ladies, I have the fruity stuff and know how to mix a good cocktail.

     Stop by and get a cab ride home or sleep on my highly uncomfortable hide-away bed! Now all I have to look forward to is the release of Sam Adam's Summer Ale. My favorite summer beer. My mouth is watering just thinking about it and my diet is sure to suffer...oh well. All in the name of the party gods!

- Drewbacca

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How can you be so blind? This is the worst "sale" ever. It is such a scam, so much so, the b.b.d. had to step in last year because of so may complaints.