September 30, 2004

Back to Politics

     Sorry, but I have to return to politics once again. The conclusion of the first presidential debate has just taken place, and this narrator saw a Kerry victory. Kerry's ideas and beliefs were put forth in a hard willed manner, while Bush fumbled and stumbled.
     This debate was supposed to be Bush's turf: the war in Iraq. Kerry constantly discredited everything that this administration has done and stood for, whether they were right or wrong, and The President had no rebuttal! Bush did make some points that he stood for, but they were weak, and John Kerry stomped them into the ground with intelligent remarks and "facts." The President told us approximately 1138 times that the war is "hard work." We know that it is hard work. How are you going to use that hard work and get us out of this mess with a victory, and how soon? At least put forth a plan for us. Back up your statements with some facts...please! While Kerry very firmly stated his plans and ideas, President Bush looked worried, stuttered, and stared blankly at the camera for uncomfortable lengths of time while talking about mixed signals again and again.
     The American people (at least us of the undecided) were not sure where exactly John Kerry stood on foreign policy and the situation in Iraq because of his so-called "flip-flopping." But that all changed tonight. I am not going to sit and analyze everything that was said in the discussion; I am only calling it as I see it 15 minutes after the debate ended, and I saw Kerry as the victor. Simply put, he just seemed to be more "on his toes" regarding every question and every rebuttal.
      I have to admit that I was rooting for Bush; mostly because I hate the bleeding heart liberal nay-sayers and hate-mongers that support Kerry, and constantly are trying to impede our progress in Iraq (which I support). But Kerry really showed what he is made of tonight, and I was very impressed with his stature and statements.
     As of tonight, the polls showed anywhere from a 5 to 10 percentage point lead for Bush over Kerry. I think that after tonight that margin will begin to narrow, and we now have a real race on our hands. I know that your humble independent narrator just jumped a couple of pegs to the left tonight.

Cheney vs. Edward

Bush vs. Kerry #2

1 comment:

Big Scott said...

Liked your column, don't always agree with everything you say, (I'm a bleeding heart liberal, but am not trying to impede our progress in Iraq, I actually want to speed it up and get our brave troops home). The President actually said the reason we are facing an insurgency in Iraq is because we did such a great job invading it at such a great speed. He thought they'd stand up and fight more. I jumped off the couch and almost flew out the window at this comment. Well guess what, they're fighting now. Yet again our President shows he doesn't really get what's going on over there. If you were the enemy, would you stand up and try and fight us to to toe? Of course not, you would employ "guerilla warfare". (I do use that term loosely, in the end it's called terrorism). I don't see how they couldn't have seen this coming. That is their job. To picture these different scenarios before they happen. That is what you need true leaders to do. Kerry looked like a Commander In Chief last night.