The story goes like this...
I'm on facebook and someone on my friends' list posts a YouTube video of Rosie O'Donnel (et al.) on "The View" having an interesting debate with conservative Elizabeth Hasselbeck about how terrible/good GW Bush is. The conversation went like this (almost word for word) in the comments section...
Me: This video should be re-titled to "A Bunch of Reasons Why Elizabeth is Awesome."
Friend: Actually, I think she's a stupid bitch.
(classy, thought provoking comeback right?)
Me: Only because you have a differing viewpoint than you. She sits daily in front of an incredibly aggressive audience (and country and panel) that attacks her daily and she speaks her mind. I think she's got courage and guts and is far from stupid. "Stupid" is not a characteristic I associate with anyone who graduates from BC in less than 4 years.
Friend: 650,000 dead. She's a republican. End of story.
Me: So you're saying that because she's pro-life, wants to lower taxes and spending and supports fighting terror with force as opposed to ignoring it, she's partly responible for the death of 650,000 (a debatable and not altogether truthful number) people?
So then I wait. No response. No response. No response. I check my list of friends to go to his/her page and they're gone and have blocked me from their profile! Unbelievable! A nice little debate that turns south for no reason and I've lost another "friend." I write a letter to this person: "Wow. Unbelievable. Did you seriously remove me from your friends list because you couldn't handle a friendly little debate about Elizabeth Hasselbeck? You've proved the exact definition of liberal tolerance with one swift keystroke." I have yet to receive any kind of response; nor do I expect to.
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