May 07, 2007

I'm So Done with Myspace

     Ok, not really. But for the most part, yes. In the last three days I have gotten over 25 friend requests and/or personal messages from web cam whores. It used to be once or twice a day, now it's more like 8 or 9 per day and I'm sick of it. Not to mention it sometimes takes hours to load up some people's profiles with the ridiculous amount of crap they post (youtube videos, sparkling pictures, widgets and sound bites). It's overwhelming and frankly ugly as hell; but mostly just annoying. I'll still use myspace to check in once in a while and also for my movie site updates and bulletins.

     Not that anyone actually reads this blog, but if you'd like to catch up with me, I'll be wasting my time over on FaceBook from now on. See you there.



Anonymous said...

See, I told you myspace sucks. I'm right again.

drewbacca said...

Thank you anonyprince. I don't see your name on facebook anywhere though either.