July 20, 2004

Political Polarization

     "This country is going straight to hell!"  Those are the words of Col. Frank Fitts, USMC; from the film American Beauty.  I hear these words a lot these days; from liberals and conservatives alike, and I'm starting to agree with them unfortunately.  Another phrase I hear a lot from media members begins like this: "This is what is wrong with our country..." and then they continue to spew propaganda that promotes their ideas and prejudices.  I believe ideas and opinions are a good thing.  I also feel it is a good thing to express your opinions in the right environment (The Oscars is not an appropriate environment for instance). 
      Polarized: to become concentrated on one of two conflicting or contrasting points.  I, and I imagine you also, hold to certain beliefs and ideals.  This is good.  These beliefs and ideals can sometimes help assign to you, a political label; liberal or conservative; democrat or republican.  It is these labels that begin to hamper your ability to objectively look at issues and openly listen to other view points.  Once a person begins to lean left or right, it begins a tumble further and further in that direction.  Someone who is pro-life for example, might begin to read, watch or listen to conservative media, because they agree with some of the same ideals the speaker or writer holds.  Then they become interested in conservative guests on the media shows, and read their book, or watch their special on TV.  Then they begin to develop a mind-set.  Believing the jokes and nonsense that a talk show host unleashes brutally against liberals.  The spewing of more and more deceitful untruths about a rival political "team" (in this case, liberals).  The person is now polarized.  All of a sudden there is absolutely nothing good that could come from the democratic party*.  There are no compromises, no discussions, no listening to alternative ideas; and because of this, there are no solutions, only fighting.
      Here is a good example.  The recent Whoopi Goldberg incident at the John Kerry political rally.  Republicans were outraged that the comedienne used vulgar language to describe our president (something about comparing him to the female genitalia).  Meanwhile, democrats said nothing, other than that it was all in fun, and not to be taken seriously.  Conversely, a couple of days ago Rep. Governor of California Arnold Schwarzengger referred to the California legislature's members as "girlie-men" for not passing his budget bill.  Today, liberals and gay-rights activists were up-in-arms over the comment, while I heard the audio clip on conservative radio being laughed over and loved.  This is what I'm talking about.  Although one might argue that one statement might be "worse" than the other, they are both demoralizing and politically motivated, yet liberals were only worried about one of the statements, while conservatives were only worried about the other.  I think they should both either be overlooked, or examined and punished appropriately.
      Now, this is what's wrong with our country - the lack of a middle ground among the media and political participants and the in-fighting among politicians.  How often do you hear a democrat say to a republican, "hmm, that's a good idea, we should use that idea to our mutual advantage?"  It never happens, because the politicians and media moguls are too worried about getting their way.  Not to mention fear of upsetting special interest groups.  These politicians need to "win."  As if it was a football game.  But guess who ultimately wins.  I'll give you a hint, it's not the poor, the educational system, the elderly, teachers, minorities, the unjustly accused, or any other American citizen with concerns for themselves, their family or their country's well-being.  I think my final answer is...nobody.  None of the "good-guys" anyway.
      Think of any important political issue, and that issue has a gray area.  Everything is not just black and white.  Gay rights, abortion, the war in Iraq, gun-control, religion within the state, the economy, education, NAFTA, the patriot act, etc.  So just open your mind, be aware of what media you are reading, and keep true to your morals and your view of what is right and what is wrong.  Many of the problematic issues plaguing the world today, could be solved or at least improved upon with compromise and listening.  And until that begins to happen, this world will continue to go "straight to hell." 

*This is an EXAMPLE!  This happens just as easily with either political view one  might have.


Big Scott said...

I wanted to reply to your well thought out and articulate post on the state of political discourse. I certainly agree that the two sides are further apart than they ever have been. There has been a ridiculous amount of nastiness. (who can forget the priceless example of a sitting vice president telling a senator to go **** himself). It seems to me that one of the reasons for this is that we (Democrats) still feel the previous election was stolen. We will probably feel that way forever. There is still a lot of anger about what happened and that is poisoning a lot of the dialougue. Another view is that we as liberals have been under attack for so many years by people like Limbaugh, Coulter, even Barnard, that we are starting to fight back against the lies and mistruths that they have been spreading. The way liberals have been branded as unpatriotic for not falling in line with the Bush war machine is embarassing to the Republican party. Questioning a Presidents idea to take our soldiers in to an unneccesary war is no less patriotic than anyone supporting the war.
-Big Scott

Anonymous said...

Unneccesary war? Someone should really ask the people of Iraq if they would rather live in fear of death for speaking Saddams name in vien, or be able to live their lives like a normal human being. The previous post was written with the same self centered attitude alot of Bush haters have, "the war wasn't neccessary because we are happy, we have food in our tummy and a bed to sleep in" well what about the senseless deaths by the hand of a tyrant, if it was a member of your family tortured you might say this war was neccesary.
To take this a whole different direction, I think the other reasons people hate bush are self centered, Bush is anti abortion, people want to have sex all they want and destroy the "effect" of the sex. Most of it boils down to people who care about nothing but themselves as I see it. I do tend to generalize but if the glove fits...
