June 05, 2008

A Personal Record

     Maybe not one I should be proud of, but whatever. Since I've started growing my hair out, I've found that it looks a lot better (and not crazy frizzy) if I don't wash it. A little bit of natural oils in the hair is a good thing according to the hair stylist. So I've been washing it about every three days (I still take a shower and it gets wet, but no shampoo).

But this past week has been crazy CRAZY busy, so I've neglected my hair washing responsibilities. Last time I washed it? Last Thursday night. Today is Thursday again. So I've gone a full week. That's the longest I've ever gone without washing my hair in my entire life. No cooties, no greaseballs, no dandruff; hell, it doesn't even smell too bad (I don't think). I'll wash it tomorrow before work though.

Aren't you glad you stopped by this blog today? Where would you be without this sort of class information that no other site in the world can provide you with.


Unknown said...

As any woman with long hair will tell you, two days between washes is the way to go. The whole week *might* be pushing it a little but I don't think there's anything wrong with a little natural oil...

Anonymous said...

disgusting, that's all I have to say about that.