October 06, 2007

What is it with Blogs?

     Why is every web site out there now a blog? No offense, but learn some HTML and create something new and different. I realize blogs are easy and you can have your own personal little diary or whatever and I think that's great. But as I look around at some major companies and information sites, all they are is blogs blogs blogs. A bunch of news related posts that I have to scroll through or search to get the info I need.

     This is lame people. Make a site that is all your own if you're trying to sell something or get information to people in a quick and easy fasion. I put a lot of effort in to my site and when I see some yahoo just copying and pasting stories into his blog and claiming he's a "web master" does nothing but piss me off.

     Here's an example of one such site that actually takes itself seriously and is a true web site; not some trendy blog. It's a groovy site about movies:


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