July 16, 2007

Technology Continues to Amaze

     While working on The OFC's Top 100 Films list, my friend (who lives in Chicago) and I have to enter in buttloads of data into a spreadsheet. Our original plan was to split up the duty, I'll enter half the data at my end, he'd enter his half and then we'd fuse the two documents together piece by piece (which would've taken just as much time it took us to enter the data in the first place).

     Anyway, he sends me the Excel spreadsheet to my email so I can get to work on it (I use Gmail - i.e. Google Mail). I don't have Microsoft Office on my computer at home, so I was going to wait til I got to work to open the attachment. WELL... gmail offers the option to open the file with "Google documents." I click it to see what it's all about and come to find that it is amazing!

     The document opens in an online file. Nothing is saved on my hard drive; it is all floating there in cyber-space. The cool thing is both J and myself can work on the file at the same time and see each other's changes in real time! It is brilliant. Not only that, but we can invite more people to help on the project if we wanted to AND invite people to just look at the document (but not be able to alter it).

     This is going to cut our time on the project in half. It's fan-friggin-tastic.

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