November 08, 2004

You Have Got to Be Kidding

     First Bill Maher makes a few jokes about it, then I hear Maureen Dowd (of NYT fame) seriously suggest that California and New York, and some other "blue" states secede from the United States to form their own democratic country. Fox News shows a cartoon of all the blue states (which by the way were almost completely red except for the one big city) merging with Canada and calling themselves the United Canadian States, while the red states "new" country would be called Land of Jesus. Last night some political analyst (I was too pissed to remember his name) on CNN also suggested the "very real possibility" of some states seceding from our union. I looked this up on the "internets" and found others who share this thought, including Llewelly Rockwell of World Net Daily and I realize that Maher was just joking, but these other examples of people speaking of succession are dead serious. has announced that on an average day, the Canadian immigration website gets an average of about 30,000 hits per day. On Wednesday, November 3rd, they got close to 120,000. So, people are at least toying with the notion of leaving for Canada.
     First off, I would say this. Of course succesion by a state probably will never happen. These are whackos who just happen to have the power to speak their minds within the national media. Also, the interviewer in both these cases jumped on the people very condecendingly, asking if they were serious. Second, Buck up surfer dudes! Is the country really that bad? Then I got to thinking about it. Would it really be that bad if California left this great nation?
     Well, it would suck to lose Hollywood and lots of movies that help keep our economy going and entertain me mucho. But other than that, think about it. If California was gone, we wouldn't have to worry about their major pollution problems. Rolling blackouts would be a thing of the past. The constant forest fires would no longer take a toll on our emergency services. The cost of fighting these fires are enormous. Ooo ooo....earthquakes! No more earthquakes! Hooray! Let's see, oh yes, the official number of immigrants working illegally in this country would drop by about 90%. The social security issue would almost be a non-existant problem anymore. All the billions of dollars Californians have paid into social security would not have to be paid to them now. It would all go to us! So as I look back on things, my first response is to get pissed that someone would actually want to leave our great country, but then I realized...Hey! More for me if you leave, so good riddance California!

1 comment:

Big Scott said...

To those who want to leave for Canada, that's like losing a game in a long season and just leaving the team. Bye, we don't need ya'. Seriously, I've heard this "well, if Bush wins I'm leaving the country, whaaa, whaaa.. (crying sounds in the background). Again, bye and good riddance. We really don't want you fair weather supporters in the party. Now's the time for Democrats to start fighting even harder to make their voice heard across the nation. There's a definite "I'm taking my ball and going home" mentality to the DFL/Liberal/Progressive party/movement right now. Stop it you big pusses. Quit you're freaking whining and get back in the game! Is this all these people think of the United States? That when it gets a little difficult we should all just separate and go different directions? That's really brilliant thinking people, let's just forget the civil war ever happened and create little areas where everyone will live the way we want and vote for who we want and eat what we think they should eat and work where we say and pray to what god and values we think should be followed... There are places like that and I think one was called the Soviet Union. So maybe these people should create a United States Socialist Republic or something (USSR). Knowing my luck, Minnesota would be the first state they'd eye. Argghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

-One more thing, if California is so liberal and eco-concious, how is it that LA is so high in pollution. Hypocrites.