November 16, 2004

Quote of the Week

     "You can't.....expect people that have jobs and have to go to class and have kids, to be at the polls. You know, we can go, but they can't be waiting on line for ten hours, six- I mean, that's crazy! It should be a day off, you know. It should on the weekend." [crowd applauds]
           -Susan Sarandon on "Real Time with Bill Maher" (episode 43)

     I know many people with kids and have to work or go to school. They all managed to vote if they wanted to. It is illegal for a job to keep you away from the polls, and most people know this. Stop whining Susan! You got the voter turn-out that you wanted. You're just surprised and disappointed that those voters didn't agree with you.


Big Scott said...

I completely, wholeheartedly, 100% DIS-agree with you. I understand that your work is "supposed" to give you time off to vote, but not a half day or more! Imagine if you took SIX hours off to vote, would your boss be all lovey-dovey to you when you finally showed up at work? I highly doubt it! Not to mention the money you've now lost for that day of work. (I believe two hours is the max allowed in this state.) If this was anyone but Sarandon saying this you would have NO problem with the comment. It's your hate for liberal Hollywood actors clouding your judgement, (again). It's not exactly a ridiculous idea to have voting on a weekend. Am I missing something?

Anonymous said...

I too disagree. Election Day should be a national holiday. Nobody should have to go to work. Susan this, Democrates that, I don't care who said it, it's true. We should not have to work on Election Day.