October 27, 2004

Celebrity Campaigning

     I'd like to extend a big thank you to Bill O'Reilly for giving some poll results that show many people are persuaded to vote for a specific candidate, after hearing a celebrity campaigning for the competing candidate. In one example, the poll showed that Michael Moore's film "Fahrenheit 9/11," actually persuaded 26% of respondants to vote for Bush, while only persuading 6% to vote against Bush. It also worked the other way in favor of Kerry in regards to Charlton Heston. There were other examples in the poll as well.
     I have taken much flak by some, for stating why my vote will go the way it will, partly because of stupid celebrity endorsements that insult my intelligence. I'm glad to see many others feel the same way I do. I do not want to associate with any political party or TV show that tells me that a vote for X, is a vote for the legalization of rape (an actual statement made by a very prominent Hollywood celebrity on a VERY highly watched television program).
     When I get a hold of the polling results regarding this issue, I will post them here, and we can see just how many people think like me (scary).


Big Scott said...

This is an issue where I'm going to disagree with you completely and 100%. I cannot understand why you let it bother you to this degree. I would see Springsteen, Stipe, Keb Mo', etc... as complete frauds if they weren't speaking out. When you write for years about certain injustices, enviornmental concerns, and decide to not say anything when you think someone is trampling those ideals? What message does that send to the fans? "I'm going to piss and moan about things in songs and movies but when it's time to put my money where my mouth is, well, I'd prefer to not put my credibility on the line." I don't believe the O'Reilly poll. I need to see who they polled. You can't possibly believe that 26% of voters were persuaded to vote for Bush because of the movie and only 6% against. That's impossible. I believe 9/11 made Bush many enemies, deserved or not. My example is Amy's Sister. She knew little of politics and is now voting against Bush SPECIFICALLY because of the movie. You'd be proud of me though. This weekend I actually let her know some of the clever "stretches" he made with the truth. In the end she's still voting for Kerry, but now knows you have to take both sides "facts" with big grains of salt.

drewbacca said...


Clever "stretches?" You need to see FahreHYPE 9/11. many of Moore's "opinions" are flat out lies or incorrect data analyisis.

I agree about the O'Reilly poll. I wanna know where he got the data as well. However, it showed some polling results against Bush as well, i.e. Charlton Heston trying to persuade you to vote for Bush actually backfired on him. Also, I'm sure Im not alone in the way I feel, and this poll shows (even if it is skewed) that I am not alone.

The "inulting my intelligence" is a key statement I made. Oprah does a good job of doing this.

Another issue is how the networks only use democratic celebrities. I know there are Republican or more conservative Hollywood stars that would speak up if CBS would let them. This is of course, is not illegal, but it's an unfairness in mainstream network television. Don't give me the radio comeback, because television WAY outscores radio in viewer/listenership. Not to mention most of what they say over the airwaves are "half-truths."

I have no problem with certain amount of lying by a candidate. That's called propagandizing themselves. It's called camapiagning. I would expect it from Bush or Kerry. It is NOT ok for Michael Moore to do it.

Which leads me to another point. Using your sister as an example just makes my point. If not for you, she would be voting for Kerry simply on lies told to her by Moore. I refuse to believe she is the only one. Lots of people are voting based on lies told to them. Yes Bush voters too, and that's my point. It needs to stop. Leave the campaigning to the candidates and their "squad." Leave making movies to Ashton Kutcher.

Give me this girl's email, and I'll set her straight. You've probably sat her down and told her enough lies....just kidding.

Big Scott said...

-I was being cute with the clever stretches line. You got my point though.

-The "INULTING of your intelligence. At least Cameron Diaz can spell. (Just kidding, Smile and laugh, HA,HA,HA)

-I see your point better now. Thanks for clarifying. In the end though, the ends justify the means. (Kidding again)