August 09, 2004


old news for some, but new for many...

WARNING: I do include information about characters, weapons, maps, vehicles, etc. that some people may consider spoilers. I will place red stars ***** before those items. However, if you want the game to be a complete surprise do not read any further.
...but this took forever to type, and I don't think it ruins anything, so read it you guys!

The first thing about Halo 2 that I have learned (which we already knew) is that Halo 2 will be an online experience via Xbox live. In order to ensure that all is working well with Halo 2 on-line in the real world, a recent test was administered on the game. This test was known as Alpha test. Alpha test was a group of about 1000 people spread out all over the country. This select group had to meet the following criteria:

Full-time Microsoft employee
Broadband equipped (at home)
Own an Xbox (of course)
They had to be in vaious places around the country (to ensure that location wasn't an issue for online play)

These alpha-testers were given an online version of Halo 2 to play at home and collect as much data as possible about eveything (performance, glitches, levels, characters, maps, split-screen, etc...) Apparently the test was mostly a success. When it was completed, the participants were required to return their copies of the game to Microsoft (** sniffle..whimper**) Max Hoberman, multiplayer lead designer:

"We gathered every piece of data you can imagine, from usage patterns, feature requests, to player performance, to automatic bug-reporting. Of the thousands of postings I read, one comment I saw often was that the game felt like a natural extension of the original- like an old friend, only with a new look, a clean haircut, and a fat wad of cash."

All right, now for the good stuff....

Here is a list of things my [highly reliable] source says are true or very very likely:

1) Double wielding. In other words, you will be able to shoot two guns at one time. Whether they must be the same gun, or 2 different guns at the same time remains to be seen.

2) Master chief will be able to peek around corners (ala Metal Gear Solid or Max Payne)

3) Environments will be interactive. You may be able to push things around or even off ledges, walls or rocks may explode or tumble when shot at.

4) More vehicles. All the old vehicles are there (including various versions of the Warthog for different users). ATV's (one-man 4-whellers) are in, and word around the campfire is that the covenant has a new tank. Plus more.

5) The setting is Earth. Apparently the covenant have invaded our own planet. Since there is a second Halo however, I have been assured that Master Chief will also be returning to space, and there WILL BE low gravity environments (cool).

6) You can play as the covenant at least in multi-player. You can play as an Elite. I wasn't told if their will be other covenant you can play as, or if there will be other human classes that you can portray.

7) The covenant has added at least 2 new types of warriors (Brutes and Prophets). The Brutes are huge gorilla-like warriors, and the Prophets are small floating "psychics." They are expected to be more like generals or overseers and not an actual soldier as they look very frail. Rumor is that there will be many other characters including a huge beast that will have the power to flip over a Warthog!

8) More multiplayer modes.

9) There is a new "boost" function on some or all of the vehicels. By holding down the L trigger, you will be able to zip through some of those bigger levels with this new function.

10) AT LEAST one new weapon: the battle rifle. Much like the assault rifle, but with more punch and a scope.

Okay. Now, my source only got to see 3 of the game's multiplayer maps. The exact number of maps is unknown though. The inclusion of some of the old maps are being considered (like Blood Gulch). Here is a quick overview of the 3 levels that were seen.


Lockout is a very small level that is tall and narrow. A large concrete structure built into a rock outcropping. Within, is a central tower with 2 sattellites attached by narrow bridges. Each area inside the structure is multi-leveled, that are traversed by ladders and ramps, **and by a new device that can only be described as an energy elevator. You step into this "elevator" and it swoops you up like a tornado might. The other cool thing about this device, is that, unlike ladders, you are not vulnerable while going up or down, you can actually shoot while riding the contraption. Not only that (TJ), but they're easier to use than ladders. Could be a cunning battle technique. My source played this level with 3 OTHER TEAMS! Red, Blue, Green, and Gold teams unleashed on each other in a total and complete frag-fest!!


A medium-sized map, Burial Mounds is a barren, desert themed map which prominently features a military base and huge, twisted pieces of metal he called "the ribs" since they look like the ribs of skeletal remains of a dead giant laying in the sand or something. Think of the dead Krayt dragon on Tattooine in Star Wars next to C-3PO (except much much bigger).


A huge level much like Blood Gulch. A large open area enclosed on all sides, with a base at each end. There are some differences however. First of all, the area is enclosed, like being inside a huge cave. The only light source is a hole at the top of the cave. The second difference is a huge alien machine-like structure in the middle. It stretches from floor to ceiling and is loaded with planty of nooks and crannies to explore and hide.

Well, that's all I know for now. Something to whet your Halo thirst for the time being though. See you all soon for some carnage and mayhem. I'm looking forward to encountering Proteus on the battle-field once again. It has been a long time. When I left you (Proteus) I was but a learner, now I am the master.

HALO 2 (coming soon)

"...some of the new maps...are manifestations of pure genius."

"The crew at Bungie is very excited and devoted to this game, and are completely aware of the feverish buzz around it."

"When dealing with such a hotly anticipated title, the public will show little mercy if it falls short in any area...this won't happen."

"Killing your buddies on-line...should feel no different than when they are sitting right next to you."

Related links:

Official site
Reserve your copy here now!

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