Bear with me; I'm coming to a point here...
Anyway, one of my more anticipated films of the second half of 2007 is called "Shoot em Up." It's an over the top action movie (in the vein of Crank, which was very fun indeed) and stars my favorite current actor, Paul Giamatti, in the lead antagonist role. Also involved is the always fantastic Clive Owen and the stunningly gorgeous Monica Belucci.
I'm getting somewhere here. Believe me, you'll like this.
So anyway, these red band trailers are all over the net, but the key is, because the MPAA is a bunch of panty wastes, you can't see these trailers (legally) unless you A) live in the U.S. and B) are over 17 years of age. To verify this info, the trailer pages (again, the legal ones) ask you to put in your name, birthdate and zip code exactly as it appears on your drivers license. If you live outside of the country or don't want to give some random site all your info, here is the way around this:
Name: George Bush
DOB: 07/06/46
Zip: 20500
or if you hate W so much you can't even type his name, this is even more fun:
Name: Daniel Glickman
DOB: 11/24/44
Zip: 20016
If you don't know, Glickman is the chairman of the MPAA.
Thanks to "/film" for all the helpful advice:
"The information above was gathered using simple wikipedia and google maps search. Yes, 20500 is the zip code for the White House. And we found only one Glickman registered near the MPAA’s Washington DC office - an R Glickman. Wikipedia lists Daniel’s middle name as Robert (or is it his real first name?). We decided to give it a try, and guess what - it worked. Yes, that’s right - the tool that is supposed to detour kids from hearing naughty words in movie advertising can now be used by hackers and web creeps around the world to reverse engineer private address information (luckily Glickman is a public figure and doesn’t qualify). Good job MPAA! Keep up the great work!"
So now, with all this info in mind, check out this ass-kicking, Motley Crue rocking, Paul Giamatti starring, off the hook action flick's Red Band trailer. And to make it more fun, I hope you are only 13 years old...
Just click on this link and then when the page loads, click on the little red link near the bottom of the page marked "view age restricted content" - http://www.shootemupmovie.com/
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